Saturday, December 12, 2009

checkpoint! PASS

Junior year is half way over.... oh man I am so not read for Pre-pro... T____T Another semester before I have to do my senior thesis. AHHAJSD;FSDLKFFF!!!

Anyways, this is my second DFA assignment: "Midnight Eve". There's going to be a second painting that goes along with this one. :D Hopefully a possible thesis idea?


Close ups:

Yea... I'm not a huge fan of doing environment paintings.... but I suppose it was intersting. XD; The colors and saturation keep changing on each monitor.... again. -___-


Gabby Zapata said...

omg it's so beautifffulllll ;____;! I love the colors. sooo much story potentialll! :D

Term Papers said...

it's great to see fresh, creative ideas that have never been done before.

Term papers