Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Year of the Lion

So we had to do a DRAMATIQUE piece for our Drawing for Animators (aka illustration for CA) class and I wanted to do a lion dance.

Wasn't nearly as red as when I originally painted it. I hate how monitors always screw with my colors and saturation!

Detailed close-ups for the face/fur. And yes, I did paint all of the strands. It was super tedious but I enjoyed every moment:

The compositional thumbs:

Hahaha messy scribbles are messy

I've always loved seeing lion dances during New Years celebration but always found it a bit confusing whenever I saw the people performing them. It's supposed to be a celebration and yet half the time the people under the costume always look so serious or pissed off. BE HAPPY PEOPLE. :D Joyous occasions are supposed to be JOYOUS.


JHomantic said...

Yeah, it came out so pink, but the yellow and the darker pink/reds are really nice. Ah, I thought the tail was a hood for a second since it blends in. Otherwise, nice nice :D

Gabby Zapata said...

beautiifuullll painntingggggg :3!